Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bad Cough

What started as a bad cough 5 days ago turned to be Pleurisy (according to my doctor).

It actually isn't that bad. Well apart from the stabbing pain I feel on my lower-left back area every time I cough. Oh.. and the yucky yellowish stuff I'm coughing up.

But then again, I have no one else to blame but myself.

I must not go out to drink and party the night away when sick... I must not go out to drink and party the night away when sick... I must not go out to drink and party the night away when sick...


Anonymous said...

wow... i guess u now have antibiotics...

Take care arrr.. :)

(finally got time to attack other ppl's blog... either very busy at work, or nothing to do like now...)

takumi said...

monday is bank holiday ~~~~ yay !