Thursday, April 06, 2006


Yesterday I managed to meet up with my close friend during high school days. Originally I had planned to go for a quick retail therapy session with her and maybe finish off the day with a karaoke - drinking session, just to catch up on old times. But she surprised me by showing up 5 months pregnant.

Needless to say, there was no drinking allowed.

Instead of shopping we retired back to her apartment to take a look at her wedding photos taken only the year before. Four big albums.

It seemed like only yesterday when we talking about boys and homework. And now the topics all revolve around marriage, husband (her's) and kids.

Topics that I just can't seem to associate myself with.

And I don't want to be able to either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*hint*hint* maybe it means something?? maybe it means it's about time for you to associate with these topics??